

Time, no matter how much we will it to change, it's the one thing in life that is constant.  We watch it pass us day by day.  Sometimes it feels like time is something we are loosing.  I sit here today watching my firstborn grandchild transition into adulthood.  I feel like it was only yesterday I held her in my arms for the first time. I was there for Baby Einstein, Barbies, and Dora the Explorer.  Then there were sled rides, Power Wheels, Go karts and more.  From Crayons and Cartoons to Cars and Cosmetics, wait time, you've gone too fast. You were my first original Beach Angel, and I still remember our time experiencing the beach together. I watched you run and chase the surf with squeals of excitement, I watched the fading sunset shimmer through your long curly hair as you looked out towards the ocean in amazement at the vast world that was before you.   I was there when you showed your sister the beach for the first time, your little hands grabbed her face and squeezed her

Spending some time with my side Chick

 I'm going to spend some time with my side chick this week.  It's been well over a year since I've seen her. Last time was only for a few short hours.  She was recovering from a tragic event that happen in September 2022.  It left her bruised and battered and even forced some of her friends to leave her permanently. I've been in this relationship for many years now. I first met her in the 90s. I wasn't sure if we would hit it off. That first time, she burned the top of my feet so bad that they were swollen.  I couldn't wear shoes, barely walk, and spent the ride home with my feet propped up on a cooler in the car while my wife drove. Yes, my wife, See she loves my side chick too!  As a matter of fact, the whole family and lots of others love her as well.  People have told me that when they are with her, they are in their Happy Place! She is still showing some scars from that dark day in her past, but with each day's passing she gets stronger, and we look for

In the Blink of an Eye

It's been a rough week this week.  While I generally keep my blog on the lighter side.  My words come from my head, but my desire to write comes from my heart.  My heart this week has felt both pain and Joy some of which I'll share with you today. On Monday Nov. 20th I'm on the mends from a rough couple of days on what looks like could be a precursory strike from a future Kidney Stone.  Spent a couple of days on pain meds, telling myself I'm not going to the ER.  Carol's been battling the crud and been coughing a lot for the past week.  We get a visit from Kristine, our daughter (technically Daughter-in law) but we adopted here years ago when she moved down here from Oregon to carve out a life with our son Ryan.  In her selfless manner, she's here to deliver a spare nebulizer to her Missouri mom, who's been fighting the crud.  Why? Because that's just who she is. She didn't visit for long, and we shared a few passing comments about her not wanting to

Merica Road Trippin Chapter 5 "America the Beautiful"

While spending our day in Glacier, the rain came in during the afternoon.  Not a lot but enough to muddy up the trails.  We had considered staying an extra day, but with the rain and the fact that there were some ongoing issues back home because of storms while we were gone. We thought we should push on towards our next stop.  We headed to Rapid City, SD.  Our target areas here would be Mt. Rushmore, Crazy Horse Memorial and the Badlands. Mt. Rushmore Birth, Growth, Development, Preservation   There is a secret room carved into the mountain behind one of the president's heads. The Hidden Hall of Records.  Do you know which president?  Who was known as the 5th face on Rushmore?   As we're walking up the Avenue of flags at Mt. Rushmore, people were of course taking pictures and chatting.  What I found interesting was once you reached the end of the flags and approached the main viewing spot for the monument, there was silence, almost like a sign of reverence. While I have seen ma

Merica Road Trippin Chapter 4 Heaven's Peak

This trip only came about because of a suggestion from my co-pilot.  While Yellowstone was mentioned in our initial conversation, I didn't want to fight July crowds in Yellowstone.  We plotted out this path instead.  I'm so glad that we did, Glacier National Park is an amazing place.  This was technically just a road trip, we were basically just passing through the area while making our way back home from Oregon.  Our path exploring this area would take us along the Going-To-The-Sun Road.  It's a 52-mile route that takes you West to East through the park. I would consider going back sometime.  The raw, undeveloped beauty of this area, leaves one without words to describe the impression it has left in my memory.  Coming from a guy who has spent most of his vacations at the beach, you know I was impressed. The views are jaw dropping.   We were up early and at the West Glacier entrance before 6:00a.m.  We made a reservation and purchased a time entry pass months ahead.  If you