Field Trip Thursday

Thursday marked another day of first for us.  On Monday Don and I played a round of golf at Sanibel Golf Club.  We had planned on playing a couple of times during the week and also was going to play at The Dunes.  Unfortunately The Dunes was closed for aerification.  We found an advertisement in one of the island publications with an add for "Muscle Car City" in Punta Gorda.  Old cars is one of my passions so we decided to make a guys afternoon checking out the cars and having lunch while the girls did a little shopping.

So I know the next few photos may not be something you all consider to be photo op when visiting paradise but just picture yourself cruising accross the causeway in one of these beauties from the past.

Only thing missing is the surf boards

My Beach Cruiser

 How cool is that?

So if you love looking at old Muscle Cars I would recomend a trip to Muscle Car City in Punta Gorda.  Besides a fantastic line up of over 150 classics They also have a little 60's style diner where you can get a burger and a shake.  A gift shop full of car memorabilia, a speed shop and an area where they have cars for sale.  A good way to escape the heat and kill a few hours back in time.

Last year one of my blogging buddies Shellady A.K.A.  O2Binsanibel told us about  Wilford and Lees in Fort Myers.  They also have a smaller shop on Sanibel.  If you like beach items this is the place.  Since we most likely will never have a beach house at Sanibel seems like Carol is trying to bring the beach to our home.  She spotted some things last year and we made the trip back there on Thursday afternoon to bring some more of the beach back to MO with us.  Obviously the items on the mantel will now need to be replaced with more of a nautical theme A.K.A. future trips back to Wilford and Lee's

This years trip to Wilford and Lee's already above the fire place at home

Thursday was a stop at the Beach Angels favorite spot Cheeburger Cheeburger.  Then back to the beach for sunset.  

There was an Osprey nest at the house where we were staying we got to watch her throughout the week she usually had dinner on the dock next to ours and it was amazing to watch these skilled hunters swoop in and catch fish.

"Whacha lookin at Willis?"

See ya later Dinners waiting and I gotta fly!

         Scavenger Hunt strategy session!

So the scavenger hunt was going along pretty good but finding a starfish was turning out to be harder this year than usual.  Somehow somebody managed to plant a couple by the dock (Don't know who could have done that).  Then the next day Don comes through and scoops one up with the shell net.

      Starfish Friday happily returned to the gulf after posing with the oldest Beach Angel

  Mural on wall in foyer of the home we stayed at

So this year was a series of First 

First visit for our newest Beach Angel "Skylar"
First visit to Urgent Care
First time seeing more Sunrises than Sunsets
First drowned IPhone
First time Skylar rolls over
First time going to a car museum while in paradise
First visit to SS Hookers
Skylars first taste of carrots 
First time staying in a house on the bay side
First scavenger hunt
First rolling fort in the back of PaPas truck while traveling 
First attack of the sand flea

While this year had a series of first one thing for sure it won't be our last visit to this magical place.  The memories our family builds here will last forever and as the grandkids get older someday maybe they will share this special place with their grandkids and share some of the stories of their childhood visits.

I hope this place never changes.


Shelllady said…
Loved your reports....I hope Sanibel continues to have firsts....(more good than bad) for all of us!! (BTW, never even heard of Doughsants!!) Thanks again for taking me with you on this trip, ...I'm beginning to feel like family! I didn't know about the muscle car museum, will have to check it out! Glad you got to Wiliford and's a must do for me every trip!

You don't have to just post from the Beach! Keep us posted from MO too!

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