Exploration beyond the beach

So the theme this year is about new experiences and first for us while here on Captiva/Sanibel.

Our house this year sits on the water up the channel from Blind Pass.  This is a first for us usually we are trying to get closer to the gulf but the island is narrow down by Blind Pass and it is a pretty short walk to the beach.

The house is not much more than 30 foot off the water and has a dock which has led to many new discoveries for the Beach Angels.  I put together a Scavenger Hunt for the Angels this year.  They are getting older and I wanted to open their eyes to the wonderful world of nature that surrounds this island.

The Scavenger hunt has about forty items.  They either need to collect or spot the items while here this week.  Lexi  and I spent quality time this evening sitting on the dock and watching nature in all its splendor.  From Rainbows, Osprey eating a fish and a alligator we got a little of everything tonight.  Best part was just sitting there sharing the time together.

The scavenger hunt does come with a reward.  I told them if they spot or collect everything on the list they would get the maximun reward.  To me the maximum reward is the knowledge that comes from the questions and observations they come up with this week.  But for them it will be whatever souvenir NaNa and PaPa let's them go home with this year.  They are both knocking off the list and the prize is within reach at this point.  There is one item though that may be a little harder to come by. "A drink umbrella"  This is apparently something that has run its course and maybe shows just how old PaPa is getting.  (Nothing wrong with old school in my opinion) apparently drink umbrellas are not that common anymore.  They have asked at a few resturants but no umbrella yet.  This could turn out to be just as elusive as the sought after Junonia.  Lexi told me today she knows what a Junonia now looks like and she will be going after one.  If anyone knows where the elusive drink umbrella is on Captiva or Sanibel please nudge me in the right direction.  While PaPa won't collect them himself he will help to create the environment for capture!!

So apparently Sand fleas are attracted to 30 something year old females or Off Skintastic because my daughter ran into a bunch. (like over 100) Like I said earlier, this year has been all about new experiences and first.  Don't know about you but I'll pass on the sand flea experience!

Another first this year tomorrow will be Tuesday and NaNa has not spent a full day at the beach yet.  Were going to try and remedy this tomorrow.  Shes sore but hanging in there.  The rainbow tonight offers us the hope of a new day tomorrow.  Stay tuned!


Shelllady said…
Hey Stranger!! Haven't heard from you in a LOOONNNGG time! So Glad you made it down, and from what I have seen so far, it looks awesome!! Does the drink umbrella have to be in a drink? Or can you go to some place like the ABC store at Jerry's and find one there?? Don't know if they have it, but they might....or the gift shop in that same shopping center!! I guess I'm from the old school too, I thought that would be an easy find! Look forward to your posts, and welcome home!! :) (o2binsanibel aka Shelllady)
Kim@Snug Harbor said…
Glad to see you posting on your blog again. I always enjoy your trip reports.

I'm afraid we're all showing our age when we talk abut drink umbrellas.... LOL.

I know exactly the spot you're staying. I've walked down that channel when the tide was low. Looks like a nice spot.

Be sure to check out Blind Pass at low tide. We were able to walk way out last week when we were there.

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