Another week of "BS" in the books. We all deal with "BS" in some form or fashion. It might be with health, financial, relationships, work, or politics. You name it, there are a multitude of things out there that from time to time can become a total load of Crap.  If we choose to let it, it will consume us and become the overwhelming way we look at life.

I'm as guilty as most about letting things get in the way of my thinking from time to time, but that's not who I strive to be.  I want to find that flower that has grown out of that load of crap.  Look for the lemonade from the lemons, find the light in the darkness.

That is why my theme for this week's blog focused on "BS".  The good kind, like Beach and Sunsets the things that make you smile. The things that fill your heart with joy and the memories you build that will hopefully last a lifetime not just for you but for those you touch as well.

As we were driving home this week, the girls in the back seat had their ear buds in and both were singing to whatever it was they were listening to on their phones.  At that moment, I was hit with a memory of a time when they were little.  We were on Captiva staying at a house on Lakia Lane.  They were out hunting lizards and both were singing some children songs.  The memory of course brought a smile to me, one of those moments that last a lifetime.

Laika House where the girls chased Lizards and sang children songs

I hope my "BS" made you smile this week. Find your passion and chase it.  Seek your happiness and embrace it. Build those memories and cherish them.

More random shots from our week of "BS"


Jim Manahan said…
It’s a beautiful place but those sand fleas are no fun! Been there, done that! 😂

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