Merica Road Trippin Chapter 3 "Baby I'll be your Huckleberry"

 Our goal on the road trip was to-Take it Easy. I wanted to limit myself to no more than 8 hours of driving per day.  We would pull over and take pictures along the way. Portland to Spokane is only about a 5-hour drive, so we had plenty of time for some sightseeing.  

We would explore the scablands of eastern Washington.  Our path would lead us to Soap Lake and Dry Falls. We would spend the night in Spokane.  The next day we would head towards Glacier National Park in Montana.  We had a timed entry pass into Glacier National Park to travel the Going-to-the-Sun Road.  

Soap lake for us was just a drive-by. The lake is very rich in minerals and has a white ring around the banks of the lake because of the mineral content.

The waterfall that no-one has ever seen! The picture above only represents about 1/3 of its size.  Through geological forensics, this area was once the largest waterfall in the world. 

What Caused Dry Falls?

The theory of its formation is that an Ice Age glacial ice dam held up the Glacial Lake Missoula, which was about the size of Lake Huron, this lake covered most of Western Montana. The ice dam failed and released most of the lake’s waters, which would have caused a flash flood like we have never seen. The Falls would have been 10 times the size of Niagara.

The Channeled Scablands,
 with flat plateaus and steep canyon sides, they are spread over immense areas of eastern Washington.

Looking over such a large expanse of open land leaves me in total awe! How lucky are we to be Born in the USA?

Let's pause for just a minute and talk about Road trip annoyances. You know, those things that cause displeasure, irritation, agitation, and discomfort.  

One of mine is a dirty windshield.  I have been known to carry a can of window cleaner and towels along on a road trip.  Reserved of course for when we hit the rest area or gas station.  Annoyance #2 when the gas station attendants forget to fill that little squeegee station.  Annoyance #3 when the water in the squeegee station looks like it's never been changed and the water coming off the squeegee is dirtier than your windshield. Annoyance #4 when you find out your windshield washer pump is not working. True story! 

Travelling from Spokane to West Glacier again is a short drive about 41/2 hours, this leg of the trip would leave us with some time to do a little exploring since our check in time in West Glacier was after 3:00 p.m.

We found a spot in Polson MT.  Located on the south end of Flathead Lake, about 75 miles from Glacier National Park.  What a better way to top off a Merica Road trip But to Stop and look at some Americana.  

The price per gallon was 35 cents


1890s Sod roof log cabin

Interior of the cabin

Inside the General Store

Ahhhh, a relaxing day at the beauty salon!

Who could forget the old playground slide? The only thing Single-handedly responsible for scorching more Butt than my Daddy's Belt!

Vietnam era Corsair attack bomber

1914 Mill's Violano (press to play video)

The museum has been visited by people from all over the world and every state except for Rhode Island.  We spent a couple of hours here and easily could have spent a couple more.  From Automobiles to World Wars and everything in between. Sometimes creepy, certainly eclectic, this is a must-see if you're ever Road Trippin in Montana. 

From here we have another 75 miles till we reach or stopping point for today, West Glacier.

We stopped in Columbia Falls at a new restaurant. They were having a soft opening.  I went on the wild side with Elk and Chorizo meatballs topped with a Huckleberry Barbecue sauce for an appetizer. A wild Burger (Bison, Venison, Elk) and fries for dinner.  I washed it down with a Halo Huckleberry Hefe!  My co-pilot had “What's for Dinner, Beef”.

So I'm sitting there reading the menu, saying to myself, what the hell's a Huckleberry.  There are signs all over this town talking about Huckleberries.  Only Huckleberry I ever knew growing up was Huckleberry Hound and Huckleberry Finn.  

Apparently, Huckleberries are big in Montana. Me never had one.  In today's world, we are of course quick to find answers to those pressing questions by pulling out the phone and resorting to google.  It says a Huckleberry taste a lot like a cross between a Raspberry and a Blueberry. When the berries are red, they tend to be tart.  Much like the sauce on those meatballs. If the berries are blue or purple, they tend to be sweeter.

So now I'm all into this Huckleberry phenomenon.  I asked the waitress if she ever had a Halo Huckleberry Hefe?  She replied "NO, I'm only 19!". Don't let your mind wander here, folks.  Hefe is a beer!  I ordered one, it was quite good.  We finished our meal.  The waitress asked me if I liked the Hefe. I told our waitress she was a good girl, her parent would be proud that she hadn't yet had a Hefe. And left her a good tip! 

The Lodge at Great Northern Resort, West Glacier

Lobby in the lodge

Hoping to find that Pot of Gold tomorrow in Glacier, Wish us luck!

Stay Tune! Next Chapter will be from Glacier National Park!



Angela Hesch said…
I didn't find that many today...
1. Eagles "Take it Easy"
2. Bruce Springsteen "Born in the USA"
3. Red Hot Chili Peppers "Road Trippin"
Great read Rob! Need to read fast 2 now!
JimBob said…
Merica! 👍
Alice In Chains, Dam that river
BTO, Roll on down the highway
Bob Seger, Travelin’ Man
Foreigner, Long, long way from home
Jimi Hendrix, Freedom
Come on Part 4!