Flip Flops or Thongs

So Friday after some shopping we stopped at the Beach Angels favorite restaurant on Sanibel,Cheeburger, Cheeburger.  I don't know why it is but every time I leave that place I feel like I just shot an episode of Man vs. Food and no my picture is not on the wall nor do I ever intend to get it put there.

MY fries were loaded and my belly was bloated

So were back to Captiva and time for the beach.  Turns out Superman and Tweety bird were there also.  They did try the boogie board out again today but only for a short time.  I think the workout the day before had them going at a slower pace today. Superman would hold onto Tweety Bird's ankles (now close your eyes and visualize this)  when the wave was just right he would push her off and she was riding the wave like a pro.  We ended up meeting them and spent hours on the beach just chatting about Captiva and beaches.  They were a really nice couple vacationing here from Mobile Alabama.  So in case you wanted to know where Superman now lives it is in Mobile Alabama.

Saturday morning we would normally be packing up and heading back home, but not this year!  NO SADURDAY FOR US!!  We are not leaving till Tuesday!! 

We checked off another Seafood Omelet from the research project this time it was the Loaded Seafood Omelet from RC Otters.  Going to have to move it into spot #3 on the ranking.  It did have a fair amount of seafood but was mainly fish.

We spent a few hours this morning checking out properties for hopefully a large family gathering on Captiva next year.  Yeah that's right we haven't even left yet and we are already thinking about next year.

Off to the beach around noon.  I have never been here on a Saturday this early before.  It was like our own private beach well almost.  And the shells arrived overnight with the full moon.

I need my shelling experts to chime in on this.  Is it what I think it is?  If so it's our first.  I even got a piece of a Junonia today.  When I first spotted it in the sand it was like he scores!!!! but then it quickly turned into nope hit the goal post and bounced out.  Oh well its the closest I have been to a Junonia so far.
Lion's Paw?  Shark Eye and pc. of Junonia

So remember when thongs were something you wore on your feet??  My photographer picked up this shot today!  I'm sorry but that there warrants life time revocation of your man card right there.

Thongs also known as Flip Flops


Random stuff of the day




Where do you wanna go for dinner?  I don't know where do you wanna go?

Oh, AH that sand is hot!

The shells are back



Shelllady said…
A Lions paw.....are you kidding me?? That's more rare than a junonia!!! How awesome!! You Have to go put your pic in the paper!!! That's so neat!!

BTW thanks for the thong shot....you know you can't erase what your eyes see?! ugh, looks so comfortable!! :D

Your camera takes some nice pics! Especially love the Blue Heron pic! I'm glad you aren't leaving yet, I'm enjoying the trip!!

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